All of Raymond Supply's vents and registers are manufactured by Continental Industries. Continental is proud to produce all of its products in the United States to ensure quality and to keep more jobs here at home. Continental keeps product quality as their top priority while also optimizing efficiencies that rival best-in-class practices to deliver the highest quality product at the lowest possible price.
this means:

High Quality

Less Expensive

American Pride
The Importance of the Right Vents
Proper ventilation is vitally important for your home - and good ventilation begins and ends with the right vents. Vents help your system remove condensation from the air, which causes damage to your home. They also help to depressurize and stabilize the temperature in your home. Ventilating your home efficiently reduces allergy and asthma flare-ups, as well as symptoms of hay fever, allowing for a healthier living environment. Reducing the humidity and air contaminants in your home depends on highly efficient ventilation systems; your vents will help draw contaminated air out of your home and pump in fresh or treated air. Our selection of vents, registers, and other heating and cooling equipment come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and designs, allowing you to choose a style that meets your ventilation needs as well as your home's individual aesthetic.
We carry a wide variety of grilles, resisters, supplys, and vents in a wide range of sizes. Whether you are a contractor, or own rental houses, we have what you need for your next job.
Our inventory is listed below; give us a call and we’ll be happy to answer any of your questions and get an order together for you.